Alpine Ski Racing at VA at Mount Snow

The philosophy of the VA at Mount Snow Alpine program is to offer a safe, age-appropriate, high quality alpine training and race experience to jumpstart and full-term (VA at Mount Snow) athletes alike. We accomplish this through a professionally educated, qualified and dedicated coaching and support staff that will promote and provide individual athlete attention and effectively and consistently communicate to athletes and parents.

The VA at Mount Snow Alpine Program has an integrated program focusing on competitive achievement, program building, and personal growth of each of our athletes. We seek to support our athletes at every age and achievement level. Overarching goals include high achievement at every level, personalized programming, and cultivation of a love for the sport.

The Program is made up of five age groups; U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 and U-19. There are two different choices within the Program: Academy student-athletes training/racing 6 days per week and Jumpstarters, training 3 days per week (Fridays - Sundays) and holidays.

The Jumpstart program mixes a balance of freeskiing, directed free skiing, gate training and competition. It serves as the feeder for MSA’s Alpine Academy Program. Competition achievement goals for U-12’s include competitive ranking in the Southern Vermont Council and qualification for the Piche’s Event in NH.

Want to learn more, speak with a coach, or set up a visit?